Capparis sabiaefolia
Hook. f. & Thoms., The Flora of British India 1: 179. 1872. (Fl. Brit. Ind.)
Chung, Lu, Weng, Hsieh & Yang, Taiwania 49: 228. fig. 3, 4. 2004.
Capparis kikuchii Hayata
Capparis viminea auct. non Hook. f. & Th.Li, Woody Flora of Taiwan 236. 1963. (Woody Fl. Taiwan)
英Kikuchi caper.
Liu, Illustrations of native and introduced ligneous plants of Taiwan . 1961. (Ill. Nat. Intr. Lign. Pl. Taiwan)
- Shrubs or Trees, glabrous.
- Leaves thinly herbaceous, getting dark after dry, 7.5–10 cm long, 2.5–5.4 cm wide; base rounded to (rarely) acute, apex gradually acuminate, tip 0.7–1.5 cm long, blunt to acute; midrib slightly sunken above, sometimes in the basal part only, nerves thin, 7–10 pairs, reticulation fairly distinct.
- Flowers axillary, 1–2 in row; pedicels with reddish-brown hair; sepals 4, lanceolate, tomentose inside, 2 large, 2 small, 4–8 mm long; petals 4, lanceolate to oblanceolate, 0.7–1.1 cm long, tomentose at baes on both surfaces and margin; stamens numerous; ovary glabrous, less than 3 mm long; gynophore 2–3 cm long, glabrous.
- Berry globose to ellipsoid, 1.2–1.6 cm long, 1.2–1.5 cm across.
- 台灣 : also in the central and southern parts and on the Hengchun Peninsula. In the forest and thickets, also in the open situation at low altitudes.
- 世界 : Southern China to southern Vietnam and eastward to the Ryukyus.
TAICHUNG: Takeng, H. C. Chang s.n (TCF); Ta-chi-shi, M. T. Kao 10045 (TAI). NANTOU: Lienhuachih, C. W. Chen s.n (TCF); Mingchien, C. S. Wu s.n. (TCF); Puli, L. C. Wang s.n (TCF); Kuantao Stream, F. Y. Lu s.n (TCF); Sun-Moon Lake, S. F. Huang 2998 (TAI). MIAOLI: Huo-Ien Mt., T. H. Hsieh & C.H. Hsiao s.n (HAST); Huoyenshan, T. P. Lin 5160 (HAST). CHANGHUA: Huatarn, S. L. Chen 486 (HAST); Yuanlin, Mt. Paikuo, S. Z. Yang 7128 (PPI), Y. Simada 6156b (TAI). KAOHSIUNG: Shanping to Nanfengshan, T. T. Chen 8477 (TAIF); Tona, T. T. Chen 6932 (TAIF). PINGTUNG: Lilungshan, S. W. Chung 4504 (TAIF); Y. K. Chen & W. P. Leu 844 (HAST); Y. C. Lu & S. P. Li 1649 (HAST); T. H. Hsieh 791 (TAI); Wuweishan, K. C. Yang, 4552 (HAST); Neipu Hsiang, Chiayi Primary School, C. H. Lin et al. 479 (HAST); Laofoshan, T. T. Chen 67 (TAIF); Ssulinkoshan, T. T. Chen 3534 (TAIF); Tahanshan, S. Y. Lu 25714 (TAIF); Liangshan waterfall, S. Z. Yang 29127 (PPI).
共有 21 份典藏標本 所有標本模式標本
黃增泉 T.C.Huang, 楊國禎 K.C.Yang, etc.
屏東 Pingtung
黃增泉 T.C.Huang, 楊國禎 K.C.Yang, etc.
屏東 Pingtung
屏東 Pingtung
黃星凡 S.F.Huang
南投 Nantou
高木村 M.T.Kao
台中 Taichung
高木村 M.T.Kao
台中 Taichung
高木村 M.T.Kao
台中 Taichung
Huang, Kou, Kao
南投 Nantou
Yaiti Simada
彰化 Changhua
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
高雄 Kaohsiung
清水英夫 Hideo Shimizu
台東 Taitung
清水英夫 Hideo Shimizu
台東 Taitung
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
屏東 Pingtung
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
南投 Nantou
屏東 Pingtung
松田英二 E.Matsuda
梁向日 H. Y. Liang
F. A. McClure
C. I. Lei
屏東 Pingtung
共有 3 份典藏標本所有標本模式標本
屏東 Pingtung
松田英二 E.Matsuda
屏東 Pingtung